Monday, January 23, 2006

Holy cow, it's been forever

My goodness. It seems like I've been offline for about a year or so. In reality, it's only been about 2 weeks. Amazing how dependent we can become on technology.

So much has happened since I last posted, I just don't even know where to start. Perhaps I should pull a Kelly and back-post to fill everyone in. I haven't yet decided on my strategy. For now I'll just do a quick nutshell recap.
We spent our first night in my new home on Wednesday January 11th. It was FREEZING cold, in spite of having had a fire going for several hours that evening. I was in a bit of a panic, thinking it was going to be impossible to heat the house with the woodstove. That morning Nikolai woke up at about 5:00 am and came into the bedroom onto the thin mattress I was sleeping on. After an hour or so of squirming around he started crying to go back to grandma's and grandpa's. I was a bit worried about how this was gonna pan out, so I decided the next order of business was to bring my bed. After about a half an hour of grunting and pushing and tears and toil we got the mattress into my durango and brought it up to the house. The next morning was much seems that it was very important for my bed to be there. Apparently my bed is "home base" for more than just me.
The first week was pretty cold, until we got down the art of getting the woodstove up to temperature, covering the windows for insulation, and turning on the ceiling fans upstairs and down. Now the house is nice and toasty and I'm happy.
The Saturday following our Wednesday move-in date I had the moving party. I was so very appreciative to those who decided to sacrifice a Saturday to help me out. We also had a special guest appearance of my sister Kelly, who flew all the way from washington DC to help me schlep my stuff. It is definitely true that I could *not* have done it if it weren't for my friends and family. Thank you all so very much. Oh...and Kelly, you forgot your shoes :( Shall I ship them to you?
I am so so so very happy here in my own home, with my own kitchen and my own bathrooms and my own porch and my own driveway. My own redwoods, my own dirt, my own mice, my own couch. There has been nothing anticlimactic about this...I'm still on a high. I keep waiting to come down but it's not happening. The worst thing is that I just don't want to leave the house.
Since the very first morning in this house, Nikolai has slept ALL NIGHT every night without getting out of bed once. All night with no wake-ups at all. I'm afraid to think about it too much, lest it jinx this wonderful new development. For those of you who understand and have been with us through Nikolai's less-than-optimal sleep schedules, you'll understand how fabulous this new turn of events is.
Well, I'll post more later. I'd hate to lose this because of a flaky dial-up connection.


Blogger cherry blossom said...

your theme song for right now: "such great heights" by the postal service. i know you have dialup so you can't go download it, nor would it do me any good to post it here...but...order it from amazon. you'll love it, and it's perfect for right now. "they will see us waving from such great heights, 'come down now,' they'll say, but everything looks better from far away,'come down now,' but we'll stayyyyy....."

1/24/2006 4:44 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

oh, and welcome back to civilization. it's not the same without you. please don't become a forest hermit.

1/24/2006 4:48 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

the postal service? Where do I get this? Is it a video? a song? And I'm fighting the forest hermit thing. It's tempting.

1/24/2006 10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! YAY! I finally get to see a new post! *HUGS* We'll be up soon to see it.

1/24/2006 11:11 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

oops -
i messed up the words. i got the song in my head all day and realized i'd typed it wrong...should be "everything looks PERFECT from far away"...

1/24/2006 4:10 PM  

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