Friday, September 15, 2006

just a regular old update

I have to share a quote from Nikolai this morning. We were on our way to school as usual, although it was a not such an ordinary day because Nikolai was actually awake in the car on the way to school. Generally he sleeps through my getting him dressed, getting me dressed, packing his lunch, etc. and sleeps the whole way to school. Today was a bit different, however, because he had a reasonable bedtime last night and something perked him up this morning and got his adrenaline flowing.
Incidentally, and I know I've strayed way too far from the point here, but I have to mention that I find it yet another cruel murphy's law that in the mornings when I have to get this kid up and dressed and going he will sleep through my stripping him down, puting his clothes on, carting him all over the place, buckling into the car, etc. But at 2:00 in the morning when this very same kid has a hangnail it will wake him up out of a dead sleep (and me, incidentally) and keep him awake until 6:00 am. Where's the cosmic justice?
But back to my point. So we're in the car on the way to Montessori, Nikolai's awake. We've gone over the bumpy road and the bumpy bridge and we're winding our way up the "really windy road" when Nikolai pipes up from the back set, "Mom, go ALLEGRO!!"
I couldn't help but laugh and comment "I think adagio is safer."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess my girls aren't the only ones watching a bit too much little einsteins ;) The 10th word madalyn has learned is a long one :D "pat, pat, pat, pat"

9/15/2006 8:57 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

just make sure he doesn't learn "ritard".

9/18/2006 6:09 AM  

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