Saturday, October 22, 2005

Herding cats in costume


That's the last time I'm ever going to even attempt to contain and direct two 2 year olds dressed in impractical clothing. Talk about herding cats.

Miraculously, Mother came through with some absolutely amazing photographs. In hindsight we all agreed that it would have been great if we'd also videotaped the photo shoot, so that people could see the actual collective 4 seconds of time which had any photographic potential at all. It'd, at the very least, be a testament to Mother's magic as a photographer, my ability to manage clowns in a circus, and Amber's ability to deal with a 2 year old who insisted on laying on the muddy ground, soaking an unwashable garment which has not yet been used for its intended purpose, while simultaneously holding a 5 month old in a bjorn and not dropping her out the top. I was very impressed with all our abilities to pull it off.

After a morning of cranky fussy boogar snots, who were both in their 2 year old moods and not at all cooperative with anything we attempted (simple things like lunch and diaper changes), and costumes which were (in Madisyn's case) a few sizes too big and (in Nikolai's case) fit for Fezzik, and a poorly planned execution of dressing/coordinating/juggling, our endeavor was indeed successful. Our angels appeared as though they had an afternoon of romance, basking in each other's presence. Images of strolling hand in hand, dancing and of course the magical kiss (We're hoping his aim improves before the wedding).

Nikolai's evil twin was there, too, stirring up trouble.


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