Monday, November 07, 2005

Holidays commence

So, tonight Nikolai and Anthony and I built a gingerbread house. It was an interesting thing to do with the two boys. It was incredible to see how different they are, and what a difference 12 years makes in a child's life and mentality. Anthony sat quietly while I constructed the walls and ceiling of the house (well, not exactly quietly, he did have a few smart alec remarks here and there), but as soon as it was time to decorate the house he jumped at the chance. He grabbed the bags of candy and started the decorating process. It was my job to squeeze the sticky goo out of the little pouch all over the place (do note in the pictures there how well I did this job; decorating gingerbread houses doesn't seem to be my fote, either), and Anthony and Nikolai's job to plant the candy into the sticky goo.
Here's how it went:
1) Anthony takes a piece of candy out of the bag and puts it on the house
2) Nikolai picks it off of the house and pops it in his mouth
3) Anthony says "Nikolai, don't take the candy off the house"
Repeat steps 1 - 3 about 30 times.
Eventually, I had to put my foot down and tell Nikolai he couldn't touch the candy unless he was putting it on the house. Nikolai didn't touch the candy a whole lot for a while...until he could no longer restrain himself and would pick a few pieces off and shove them in his mouth before I had a chance to object.
Anthony finally made some progress, and when it was done I couldn't help myself (I know I should not comment like this when one of my children makes an atistic statement, but we all make mistakes sometimes...), I had to comment to Anthony. One side of the roof was very organized. The chimney fell inside the house after the two panels of the roof slid apart. The other side of the roof was chaos. Big blobbiness in the center. I said to him "Anthony, why do you always have to make eveything look so goofy?" his response was "Because I'm a goofy guy." I think I should have been able to figure that out for myself.

The important part is that we had fun, and I got pictures this time. :-D

I think this thing is gonna have to go up on a very high shelf til Christmas.
"Just one more gumdrop, mama, I promise I'll go to sleep."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so cute! Now I want to make one with Madisyn ;)

11/08/2005 3:08 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

there's a ready-made kit at safeway, it works pretty well. you might want to get some marshmallow fluff or something, because the frosting they have in there isn't so great, adhesively speaking.

11/08/2005 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH WAY COOL!!! I am soo there. Those pics are WONDERFUL!

11/10/2005 4:00 PM  

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