Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Halloween, a time for ghosts and goblins

Well, last night was a lot of fun. By the end of the evening my back was breaking, and Amber's was breaking before we even set out, but I think that in spite of that we all enjoyed the evening. Nikolai and Madisyn were Prince Charming and Cinderella. I was the wicked step mother. Anthony was a pirate and Andrea was a witch. Melissa was a devil, although she didn't go with us this year. She was with her friend Lindsey. I think she's decided mom is definitely NOT cool.
Nikolai and Madisyn were completely different this year. Instead of having to encourage them to walk up to the house and then waiting 30 seconds for them to blurt out something that remotely resembled "trick or treat", they were bolting up to stranger's doors yelling "Trick or Treat!!", parents scrambling behind them hollering "WAIT FOR MAMA!". Nikolai, apparently, was a tad confused about the whole thing in that he thought we were actually going to visit the people for a while and would just wander past the person holding candy and into the house checking out the home decor.
We ended the evening a bit early this time, because our endurance was limited. Perhaps we should work out next year in preparation for the intense trick or treat experience. They will be 3, after all.

Here are some other various pictures from the evening
The princess prepares for her high profile evening
Well? Are we going, or what?!
Prince of Doom
The princess shows her affection; the prince endures the moment
Evil step mother and her step-son-in-law
The only photo of my hair from the back
Candy? Where?!
The pirate and the witch


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH my god! The pics were adorable! Irene was at the encouraging point where she wasn't sure what the heck was going on. :) Anthony was wonderful!!! The enduring kiss was my fav.

11/01/2005 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy to think we could get two 2 year olds feed and in costumes and ready to go by 5:30. hahahaha I couldn't even get out of the house on time with a cranky 2 yr old after nap time. It was crazy, and hard and soooo much fun. Hopefully we can get some of the photos I took placed here as well. It was worth the headache of being off schedule and we know how I am about schedules. Madisyn just didn't want to go home. "Just one more, ok, just one more house mama"

11/01/2005 2:22 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

They were so sweet, and she was so cute with that "just one more!" thing. I totally agree, we were insane to think we could get out of the house by 5:30 hahahahaha

11/01/2005 2:55 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

Yeah, Anthony and Andrea were wonderful, except that Anthony would not allow me to take his picture (you'll note this picture is blurry, it's because of a miracle of timing, I caught him just as he turned back around from blocking his face).

11/01/2005 2:59 PM  

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