Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I think I have a problem

I think I have blogger's block. Here I am with this create window open, and I just have no idea what to write. Amazing, eh? I can imagine you're thinking to yourself "wow, rebecca has nothing to say? did hell freeze over?" Well, I'm wondering that very same thing myself. Perhaps the devil will let me know.

So in the last couple of days I've realized I have a strange set of things going on. I've been depressed...very severely depressed. Yesterday evening I had the worst headache i've ever had in my life, which is saying something since I suffer migraines regularly. This morning I felt like gravity had shifted to another plane entirely, and my vision was doing really wonky things. Finally I got it into my brain to look at the "warnings" section of the patch (ortho evra), and lo and behold, I'm showing all the symptoms of a blood clot somewhere. great. off I go to the doctor tomorrow. Ugh. Pray I don't have a stroke or serious blood clot somewhere.

Maybe tomorrow I'll go over all my introspective crap. Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Becca

I've never commented on anything before, so I'm not sure how to do this.... Anyway, I just saw this entry today, and I figure my must have been to the doctor by now. What did you find out? Are you at least feeling better?


11/12/2005 8:33 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

Hi Steph, I haven't been to the doctor yet, I'm scheduled for an appointment on Monday. I am feeling a lot better and haven't had any vertigo since that morning, and headaches haven't been worse or different than usual. I did realize, however, that a side effect of one of my medications is "severe depression", which would explain the last few months for me. It's good news, just need to switch! yay!

11/12/2005 4:36 PM  

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