Tuesday, November 15, 2005

OK, I'll put some more info in here

I guess I can go on a bit more about what's been going on lately. I was just sitting here whiping through things I need to get through, while Nikolai is happily entertaining himself. I figured I had a good solid 3 minutes to get everything done...

15 minutes later, he's *still* playing quietly in his room. When I peek in there I realize that, lo and behold, he's brought out all his train tracks and is constructing many varied and random structures with his train tracks. He has turned the clickety clack tracks over and has made a "road" for his cars, and he's assembled the bridge backward. But *most importantly*, he's done the whole thing with absolutely no intervention from me. none. it's great, what he's done. Only last night, when he was sneakily playing with toys instead of going to sleep, did I realize he could even assemble the tracks himself. I think this might be the new craze. I could handle this.


Blogger rebecca said...

Yeah, I wasn't quite prepared for the shock. I've never had a child who played quietly and happily by themselves at 2 years old before.

11/15/2005 8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irene has done it on occasion. Lately it's been with her block. :) She has a set of wooden blocks that are no bigger than her fists..but she just loves them. I'll come out of the kitchen trying to figure out where she is, and she's in teh living room carefully constructing a 10 block tower that she can then knock down and laugh over. I walk back into the kitchen shaking my head at that point and just laugh. She merrily goes back to her blocks.

11/21/2005 2:05 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

yeah. nikolai has taken to lengths of over 2 hours these days. that's what's so astounding, really.

just wait til he learns how to use tools. that'll be when I'll know something is wrong...very wrong. the day will come, I'm sure

11/21/2005 7:40 PM  

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