Friday, February 02, 2007

"Room service..."

While we were in New Orleans we were stuck at our hotel with no real transportation to speak of. Laziness took over and the path of least resistance was entirely too tempting and as a result we ordered room service at the hotel quite a bit.
The food was very tasty (as is almost everything I tasted on my trip), and so we weren't complaining one bit. They would make us peanut butter and honey sandwiches on wheat bread, which was heaven sent as those of you who know Nikolai can imagine. Towards the end of our time there any time he heard the door knock he'd jump up and run excitedly at the door saying "It's room service! It's room service!! It's here, mama!!" And then he'd open the door and the room service guy would come in chuckling. He and I had a joke that he was Nikolai's hero.

The evening fter we returned back home, it was getting on toward dinner time and Nikolai called up to me from downstairs "ROOOOM SERVICE!!!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! hes discovered Room service thats the very best for kids adults like it a little better only because we know things are being taken care of for us kids its kinda like haveing your very superhero hes gotta it! LOL I like your new picture

2/04/2007 12:49 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

I thought it was time for a picture change. that's a picture of me sitting in my new office in new orleans. Personally, I loved the room service. preparing and worrying about food is such a huge pain in the butt, so it's nice to have it taken care of. I was kind of sick of the menu by the end of our stay there, though...

2/04/2007 8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man, he is just too funny!

2/08/2007 1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey how you guys doing? are you almost done over here?
squezze the little man for me!

2/08/2007 2:15 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

I'd love to be done. Wanna buy a house?

2/08/2007 8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah right only if The gods would bless me RICH!!!!
have you packed, stored, ect? When will you be back? are you living in the house over there? You have a new job over there or.....

2/09/2007 11:05 AM  

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