Thursday, September 20, 2007

People should come with disclaimers

Today I had an interaction with someone that left my head spinning. It was one of those times when you're just bumbling along, having a light-hearted conversation and chatting and all of a sudden the other person has flown off the handle. Obviously there's a disconnect there, they misunderstood what you said or meant or intended to convey or something, but the reaction is clear: they're pissed and they're on a warpath. They lash out first with a guilt infused jab to the pride. Then it escalates. You respond to the mean remark because it was totally unjustified, wondering to yourself "what the hell just happened here??", defending yourself the best way you can while trying to disarm your unwanted opponent while also clearing things up, still entertaining a shred of hope that perhaps the misunderstanding can be returned to its rightful "misunderstanding" status.

What is it, at this point, that turns the mind off to reason?

What is it that causes these sorts of misunderstandings between persons 1 and 2, but not person 1 and someone else? Is it personality conflict? Why can't two people repair from such a misunderstanding before lashing out with guilt or cruel words or abandonment or rejection?

Man, being human sucks.


Blogger Unknown said...

sounds like this was quite the misunderstanding. Agreed on disclaimers
"Not guaranteed to work as designed?" :) Something like that maybe? or how about this:
"WARNING: Screw loose. Possible brain expansion with little warning. Talk to at your own risk."

Sympathies my dear. It's right up there with needing a step by step book to raising children. *wide grin*

9/22/2007 6:51 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

hahaha - yes, I could use one of those books.

this disclaimer might have looked something like "Caution: contents under extreme pressure"

9/23/2007 1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man that really sucks, bad enough to have the open mouth insert foot syndrome, worse when others don't get you have the illness ;) at least that is my issue.

9/24/2007 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah, i like the new photo, finally one of you smiling and looking happy!!!

9/24/2007 11:10 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

haha - thanks. I tried to make something normal this time.

9/24/2007 11:49 AM  

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