Sunday, July 22, 2007

Andy and the Delta Bits

So, when I was in Delta this last time I had some very interesting experiences. It was a great balance between being bored out of my skull and having the best time I've had in a lot of years. I really do love to reconnect with people from my past.

Saturday we visited my mother away from mother at my home away from home. Aleta was our next door neighbor all the time we lived in Delta, and she was like my other mother.

After visiting Aleta, we broke into our childhood home. We're technically criminals now, but it was worth it to see the inside of the house again.

On Saturday we also went to the Deltarado Days celebration in Cleland Park. It was a great thing to witness. I have memories of these or other similar celebrations in the past. While we were at the park I ran into someone I believe I went to school with. Actually, I'm sure I went to school with him, and I believe it was him. I'm going to have to do some research to be sure. His name is Joey Silva, and I never would have picked him out of a crowd as someone I knew for all those school years. Odd how those memories just fade sometimes.

Sunday Kelly and I made the best possible use of power-visiting. We started off the day with a visit to see my mother's best friend for many years, Bobby. She wasn't there, but I had the shocking surprise of seeing her son, Andy. Andy was there with his wife and two little girls.

Andy was my partner in crime when we were growing up. We were best friends for many years, and spent countless hours playing together. I goaded him into breaking his arm. I saw my very first dead deer in his shed. I had many firsts with him and in that house. It was such a wonderful flood of memories. I started remembering things I didn't even know were still in there. This was, by far, the highlight of my whole trip.

After visiting Bobby, Les and Andy and fam we drove north out of town to a tiny tiny town called Eckert. Here we visited my Aunt Atha, who is quite old now. We also go to visit with Max and Betty (her son and daughter in law), and their daughter Trish, who was absolutely a pleasure to meet.

After visiting Aunt Atha we went up to the north end of town to visit my cousin Jeremy. He hasn't been doing so well, due to his rare-genetic-blood-disorder-that-I-can-never-remember-the-name-of. We got in about 13 minutes with Jeremy. He's my favorite cousin, and I couldn't imagine being in Delta and not visiting him.

Once we flew out of Jeremy's house we high-tailed it over the "hill" (meaning rockies) to Denver. Our first stop in Denver was to see my maternal grandfather, who I've called Pa since as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl I was scared to death of this man. I was terrified simply to be in his presence. As an adult it's considerably different. I realize he's an incredibly intelligent and quick person with great people skills. Having a conversation with him is both entertaining and effortless. I believe when he retired from the Air Force he was a full colonel. He was stationed, I believe, at roswell for sometime. Kelly tried like hell to weasel information out of him about it while we were there, but to no avail. We spent about an hour there.

Once we left Pa's house we went to (maternal) Aunt D-Jo and Uncle Sue's house Our visit with them was fantastic, except for psycho hound from hell. The dog is actually on puppy prozac, and it's not nearly enough. I think he needs some puppy paxil in large doses. Perhaps some puppy Valium or Ativan to go along with the puppy paxil. While I was there I related my recent revelation about Aunt D-Jo to her. After hearing my mother reminisce about her childhood, and relate stories to me about how Aunt D-Jo would only play house with her if she could be the Father. My mother was fine with that because she always wanted to be the mother. It was then that I realized that I had named them backwards. They should instead be Uncle D-Jo and Aunt Sue.

We slept there at Uncle D-Jo's and Aunt Sue's.

We slept through my flight back, because it was actually earlier than we though it was. I flew stand-by on the way home, which worked out fine. I got on a flight just fine and got home. It was great to be home, but once I arrived back it took a month to process everything I experienced while i was there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow what a great trip. Really makes me want to go up north to oregon and try to re-connect with all my Dad's family there.

9/13/2007 9:28 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

it's a strange experience. I think we're getting old enough now to really be able to appreciate it. in the younger years there's still a lot of pent up feelings of inadequacy and residual competitiveness from adolescence.

9/13/2007 11:43 AM  

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