Saturday, December 31, 2005

The house is, officially, MINE

So, this morning I got the call from my mortgage broker who said that we had gotten final loan approval from the lenders. It's a bit of a juggling job, as far as making the payments every month, but I think it just might work, until we can refinance in June. Actually, I'm pretty confident it will work. It's just gonna be a stretch. HOORAY!! I'm planing on taking everyone who offered up on their offer to help move. I'll host a moving party, where we will move stuff from the house first and then from storage up to the new house. Please let me know if you really are serious about helping to move, and I'll add you to the invite list :-D

My mortgage broker says that she's planning to pull docs so we can close on the 11th, so Doug, that means that I'm going to come back to work on Tuesday the 3rd, and then take that other two weeks off starting on the 17th of January. I'm going to plan to start moving in on the weekend of the 15th and 16th, barring any significant delays.

I also found out today that I have diverticulitis, which is why I've had such severe pain in my abdomen for the last week. This was diagnosed mostly by an urgent care doctor, and so I'll have to follow it up with appointments with an internist for a final/definite diagnosis via colonoscopy or cat scan. I'm now on Septra and Flagyl (two antibiotics to kill the infection), and praying that it doesn't rupture and turn into an acute case of peritonitis.


Blogger cherry blossom said...

well no fair posting such good news with such crap news! i wanted to say congratulations on the house!! after so much rollercoastering, does it feel real?

sorry to hear about your diverticulitis. am i next?


12/31/2005 2:10 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

re: good news
it feels real. I'm so excited and can't WAIT to move in. I'm having a hard time waiting til the 11th. :-D

re: crap news
all I have to say is be gentle going to the bathroom.

12/31/2005 4:29 PM  

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