Tuesday, February 14, 2006

How time flies

Wow...was it really a week ago that I posted that?! It seems like it was just a few days ago. I really need to get on the ball with this blog thing. I'm totally slacking. This is inexcusable.
Louise and Kris were here over the weekend, and were able to attend the housewarming. I literally could not have done it without them. Kris helped lug things around and make trips to the dump, while Louise was my damsel in shining armor cleaning and cooking and doing all the grunt work so I could enjoy my party. We had way too much fun shopping for curtains and other various decorations for the house, but it turned out very nice. I had a lot of fun, and was so excited and happy to show everyone my new home. Here's a great photo of some guests sitting around the table at the party.

And, I just can't go without showing a picture of Nephew Nikolai with his Uncle Kris


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The party was a lot of fun! You should have taken a photo of the mess in Nikolai's room after 4 kids pulled out all the toys ;) Hey, I even learned I am glad I am not potty training a boy :D My mom as also so happy to be able to surprise you with a visit!

2/15/2006 8:52 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

it was so great to have you guys there. I hope your mom understands how much it meant to me. :)

and you're right...potty training a boy is an interesting thing.

2/15/2006 8:56 AM  

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