Thursday, March 16, 2006


well, I seem to be getting sick again. I sure am tired of getting colds. I think I've had my fair share of them this year. Nikolai was a bit sick last week, so it could be whatever it was he had.
man, being a homeowner sure is an interesting thing. I've never had such a long "to-do" list in my life.
I really need to call the septic tank people back. our yard is starting to smell like a herd of buffalo-with-diarrhea passed through.
I must get some hearth rugs, or some sort of coal solution, because a few days ago a rogue coal went on an adventure through the carpet and padding and made it a good way through the floorboard before it was discovered.
one of these days I might get someone from Sears to come install our appliances that are taking up space in our kitchen and laundry room, and which have been very useful thus far in a "plant stand" sort of way.
I'm only half done with my door-botttomectomy procedures. I have another patient in the queue.
we have yet to discover a real solution to our internet challenge. I'm gonna feel like I'm stuck out in the boondocks until this is fixed.
our cord of wood is now 1/2 cord of wood. time to re-order.
pg&e still has yet to send us a bill. I'm having a hard time feeling motivated to follow up on that one.
the water coming out of our washing machine smells like we're washing the buffalo-with-diarrhea, can't figure out why
only half the windows are covered with curtains
I could go on and on, but I'm getting overwhelmed just typing this.

and it gets better every day:
yesterday my car decided of its own accord that it had entirely too much paint, and needed to strategically remove some in order to be operating optimally, aerodynamically. its solution was to drive into one of the pillars in the borland parking garage. this did an acceptable job of paint removal. later that same day, it realized that silver was too dull, and it should add some World Rally Blue to its decor. I don't think David was too happy with this solution, but I tried to explain to him that when a 3 ton vehicle gets it in its mind to do something, a human my size can do little to argue. add to "to-do" list: follow up with Allstate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cars are a necessary evil. Those burning embers have a way of voyaging far from where they should be. I've watched Louise and Jeff try to bare hand them back into the fireplace, like if they do it fast enough it won't destroy five layers of skin... Does make for a good chuckle, though... I hope you feel better. You guys really need to pump up your immune systems! Love to all.

3/16/2006 4:40 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

yeah. I never did understand how those people walk on embers.
and I agree, we need to boost them. but with all our allergies and sicknesses, you'd think they'd be a tad stronger.

3/16/2006 6:34 PM  

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