Monday, March 13, 2006

Hot cocoa and a crackling fire

This weekend was really great. It's the first weekend we've had, really, where nothing was expected of us. Nikolai's been increasingly distressed at having to go to Gail's every day, and so he has developed a heightened awareness of "Saturday". He was so very happy to have the weekend days to play and enjoy family life. When we got home on Friday, our house was covered in tiny hail balls that were more like snow than hail. Thinking this was our only opportunity to enjoy "snow" this year at the house, we bundled up right away and rushed outside to throw some hailballs. When we had pretty much exhausted the play value of the snail, we went inside and curled up next to the fire with some cocoa. Melissa was glad she stayed on Friday night to enjoy it.
Saturday Melissa went to her dad's house and we picked up Anthony for Saturday night. Nikolai loves to see his brother and spend time with him, and Anthony so very patiently obliges. Well -- patiently for a 14 year old.
On Sunday morning for a few hours while laying in bed I kept hearing the sound of animals pouncing on the roof. In my sleepy and not so logical thoughts I concluded that there had been a serious squirrel population explosion. After a few hours of envisioning the squirrels fencing and frolicking on the roof I woke up enough to realize there were no squirrels on our roof this time of year (never mind the fact that they had no hope of surviving our Feral Animals Of Doom), so I got up on my knees and peeked out the window to see a totally white world. I couldn't believe how much snow there was. I got everyone up and we went out and threw snowballs and stomped in the snow.
Against my better judgement I actually made a snowball with the cleanest snow I could find and handed it to Nikolai. When I told him to take a bite he looked at me like I was completely out of my mind. It didn't take long to convince him that indeed it was actually ice, and therefore edible (Saturday's Cherry Icee from Burger King helped). After we were frozen and wet and done (ok, so *I* was frozen and wet and done -- Nikolai was frozen and wet and couldn't care less about it because he wanted to stay outside and play in the snow), we came inside and shed our wet snowy clothes and realized that in my haste to get everyone out the door before the snow melted I'd forgotten to light a fire (D'OH!), so we decided to go to Benny's House for pancakes and hot cocoa. This was followed by a lengthy trip to the Big Yellow Toy Store, a trip to Office Max to get an office chair for mom, and then to the Pat Store.
What a wonderful weekend.


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