Sunday, March 05, 2006

Nikolai is 3

Wow. I can't believe three years has passed since I gave birth to Nikolai. We had a small (family) celebration for him on Friday evening. Anthony and Nikolai and I went to The Train Place for his special birthday dinner; this was a huge hit. We came home and he opened presents (bugs books by A. Carter, thomas aqua doodle train thingy, remote control "Scrambler" from Bob the Builder). We also enjoyed a small cake together. We didn't make a huge deal out of it, since we were going to be having a party tonight. The party went very well, and he was so happy to see his friends there. It was a special thing for him to have his friends come to his house. We had a construction theme going, complete with posted Stop Yield and Party Zone signs. The candles on the cake were orange cones. Before I put them on the cake I asked him how many candles we needed to put on the cake and he said "THREE!" Once the candles were blown out he took the digger off the top of the cake and dug in. He ate about a piece of cake's worth using the digger's scoop. Fortunately we got this on video. I'll post photos sometime soon.


Blogger cherry blossom said...

happy birthday sweet sweet nikolai!! i wish i were there to give you a big hug. i'm sure momma will tell you how much i love you and miss you. if i weren't such a deadbeat aunt, i would have mailed you a special card. but...well... we all know i'm not so good at that. big hugggs!

3/06/2006 3:50 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

HEY!! that bugs in space book is the same one i got of my other neices or nephews a long time ago (back when i wasn't such a deadbeat). was it anthony? or maybe emily? sigh. i can't remember.

3/06/2006 3:52 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

wasn't anthony or melissa. it's the first time I've ever seen the book, and I thought it was so adorable.

3/06/2006 11:57 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

yeah, now that i think about it, i think it was emily. for sure. we bought it when she was three and they were visiting me at JSC, before steph had sophia. i'm sure it's in a box in brazil. :) it IS a SUPER cute book.

3/06/2006 6:07 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

nikolai loves it. he's taken an interest in planets (more interesting to him than most things that don't have wheels), and so was thrilled to get it.

3/06/2006 8:25 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

well, moons are kind of like wheels. they go around the planet like wheels. tell nikolai that jupiter has 63 moons (!!!). and saturn and uranus and neptune all have rings, which are even more like wheels. see what he thinks of *that*!

3/07/2006 5:04 AM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

oops and i forgot jupiter's ring.

3/07/2006 5:07 AM  

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