Friday, April 28, 2006

Geographically challenged

You know, my family generally has the same trajectory each day. We are typically all aligned, and heading in parallel due north. It really works like a well oiled machine, the schedule is down to the minute. There is no room in this schedule for deviations, except perhaps on the weekends, but even then it's questionable.

And then out of the blue, someone puts a magnet on each of our little individual compasses and we all have differing tragectories. Melissa has to go south. Nikolai, he absolutely must go west and there is no arguing it. Matt is due east and I, totally inept when it comes to geographical skills, spend the whole day looking at my stupid compass and cursing to myself because it's generally my responsiblity to coordinate the logistics of the family. My poor family. It's days like this when I need to clone myself. Some days one simple clone would be sufficient. Today, not only do I need to clone myself twice, but I also need to clone Matt and Gail.

Last night, my blessed saviors came not in the form of a clone, but the closest thing to it. Direct female ancestor and decendent willingly took charge, and the decendent (she truly is an angel) not only cooked dinner and bathed her brother but also withstood, patiently, his screaming and crying for an hour before bed. She put him to bed lovingly. Somewhere during the evening she found the time to fold the 4 piles of laundry on the couch, as well as run a couple more through. Upon returning, the house was as clean as it was when I left it yesterday morning. She slept dutifully in my spot on the bed so that her brother would not panic if he woke up alone. I wish I had the means to take her with me to the Bahamas for a vacation. I guess I'll just have to smother her with love and appreciation instead.


Blogger Unknown said...

kissing all over the face works (but she might not hold still for it). :) You have a wonderful daughter and she is quite responsible and you're right...she doesn't look like a 12 year old.

4/28/2006 2:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

BTW: When is she baby sitting age??? :D

4/28/2006 2:12 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

not at all like a 12 year old. I definitely forget sometimes how young she really is.
I think 14 is gonna be the magic number for babysitting. I'll feel confident about her being alone in the house and responsible for someone else at that age. you might want to book it now.

4/28/2006 2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she is such a great kid!

4/28/2006 3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She was helping out when you moved as well. If I remember correctly you didn't even have to ask her for help.

4/28/2006 5:15 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

the offer still stands to help you with your geographicallychallengedness. i've got methods.

4/30/2006 8:39 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

I have methods, too. but they don't help with conflicting trajectories

5/01/2006 9:05 AM  

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