Friday, June 02, 2006

There is hope...there's also a carnivore in our midst

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. This place is AMAZING! Man, I'd love to work here. I spent a good percentage of my time laughing through the interview. The people are fun, the product is really cool and the whole thing strikes me as very happy. I had no idea how down I was at Borland until this place gave me perspective.

Last night, though, Kitten was on a rampage. There were three mice who died yesterday. Two were uneventful deaths but the third was enough to make my skin crawl. I have a tough time ingesting meat to begin with. I've been battling the idea of how disgusting it is to eat a dead animal for many years. Some years I'll eat the meat, other years I won't. I think Kitten cured me of the desire.
Last night in the middle of the night she pranced into my room with the infamous Mommy-I-have-something-dead-for-you-meow. I was dead asleep, so I had to think on my feet to figure out how to keep her from delivering it to my shoulder again. Unlike last time, it actually appeared to be deceased, which was a relief. She was making motions to jump up onto my bed to give me my present, when I loudly and lovingly praised her for her generous offer. She debated a while and finally dropped the dead but otherwise intact mouse on the floor by my bed, then jumped up to get her physical praise. I petted her and praised her thoroughly and she happily popped off the bed back to the mouse. Then it started...
crunch crunch slop crunch sshhhhlop
Ugh. She was actually EATING the mouse. I thought if we fed her cat food she wouldn't need to do this, but I was obviously quite wrong.
Matt said "Well, I guess I'd better go clean that up before she makes a huge mess of it."
He headed down the stairs and the munching got even louder.
It was roughly 13 seconds from when she began crunching and Matt returned with the paper towell to clean it up. He turned on the light and stared dumbly at the floor beside her, and finally said "There's nothing but a tail."
She ate the WHOLE MOUSE sans tail in about 20 seconds. I said "get her out of here before she poops."
I never did find the owl pellett dissection too fascinating, and can't imagine kitty pellets would be any more fun.
I can't eat meat for a few years now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful about the job! It is about time you get properly paid for your skills! And get to have fun doing it :D

6/09/2006 9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so maybe kitten was supposed to live with my family with all us carnivores. I can just hear Chris cheering her on while she munches it down :D

6/09/2006 9:09 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

hahaha - yeah, good point. her carnivorous skills aren't appreciated. maybe she should find a new job.

6/09/2006 10:32 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

This mean next time I make a pot roast you won't eat 1/2 of it in one sitting?

6/26/2006 2:50 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

no. that's not what it means at all. I'm over it. your pot roast is not safe.

6/26/2006 10:08 PM  

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