Wednesday, October 25, 2006

it's been a long time

I realize that it's been quite some time since I posted to the blog here, so I figured for those very select few individuals who check this forum for updates on my life I might as well give you as much of an update as I can.

The last month and some has been truly crushing for me. I've been undergoing perhaps the most difficult challenges of my life so far in both parenting and my career, as well as some bonus personal communications and interactions learning that has been less than easy. My life, in short, has been a drama to which I have chosen to save you poor people from being subjected. You can thank me someday when you realize exactly from what I've saved you.

Merely existing day after day has been such a challenge that the very sweet things my child/ren are doing has gone mostly unnoticed. It's quite tragic, and I do hope things improve soon on at least one front so I can continue on enjoying the blessings around me. Kelly insists that we create our own happiness, and I agree to a certain extent. On the other hand, not all of us are equipped with the tools necessary to create happiness for ourselves all the time.

For now, since I've been doing "something" for at least 10 minutes now I think it's high time I get back to finishing off this package of bon-bons while I digest another episode of the Rikki Lake show from the comfort of my couch.


Blogger cherry blossom said...

mmmm bon bons. they're know...bon.

10/28/2006 7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hummm, you sitting still long enough to watch a show and eat???? I just don't believe it. With working and then getting home and working and doing "mom" work, ya you have sooo much time to "eat bon-bons". If you had free time, it would be more like wine and cheese break with Amber not Rikki! :D

10/30/2006 3:07 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

yeah, amber. you just don't know my secret life. I'm really a slug. I sit on my couch and eat bon bons all day. other people do my work for me. I though that was obvious

11/07/2006 7:58 PM  

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