Monday, June 26, 2006


So here is my question, and I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on this.

Will humanity eventually evolve such that it no longer needs rigorous/regular exercise because most focus is mental?


Will humankind's shift toward brain-powered advancement come to a screeching halt because of our inability to continue to live our high-stress, sit in a chair all day, unable to find the proper time to exercise lives?

Perhaps (and this is an interesting theory) we will all stop the shift toward bettering our lives by automating and removing tedious or exhausting tasks (washing machines, machine churned butter, automatic car washes, and eventually devolve. I hear chimps get plenty of exercise.

Or perhaps we continue the biological science effort and continue to extend the human life expectancy so we can spend more fat and stressed time on this earth.



Blogger rebecca said...

if life was fair, this computer would suck calories out of my body.

6/27/2006 9:26 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

life isn't fair and if our society is any indicator, we've degressed in this lifetime. therefore my vote is that we will devolve - not because there is any automation for the stuff that we have to do, but because we can't get off our butts to do it anymore because they have either become "one" with the chair or because your butt can't get pass the chair handles. Me? Guess where I am going today :)

6/27/2006 11:26 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

to a "butt extraction" facility?

6/27/2006 1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eventually science will conquer more of our problems. I see a day in which we will put on a body suit that will stimulate muscles and we can get a full workout while we sit. Maybe someday I can look like Frank Zane.

6/28/2006 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I accidentally ended up on your blog I will remain anonymous. Just take or reject this wisdom. Rebecca, Christ delivered me to your blog so I could witness His love and affections toward you. The things you write about make it appear you are starving for attention and identity. You are getting attention now, but is it the type you desire? Are the men in your life shallow and out of touch with reality? Perhaps you are also.

We are evolving - for sure, yet not from one lifeform to another; but from one understanding of life unto another. God says the world is without end, but it is the ways of man that must die. It is our choice on whether or not we choose Christ and godly change before we die.

You write wonderfully rebecca, but your material is boring because you only write about you. Jesus will put some excitement into your writing if you allow Him to motivate you into writing for Him. You will love the change. Suicidal thoughts will never again invade your thought train, because you would train yourself to serve instead of consume. My favorite book is the Bible because it is real, non fiction, something many have lived through. It is real, honey! It is.

Take care and carefully consider the words of this man you will never meet or talk to. Think of me as a guardian angel guiding you to the most eventful and fruitful change of your young life - WHICH CHIST SAYS IS LONG LIFE, as long as you depend on Him to bring you through your hardships. With a godly love I love you, Rebecca. Think and consider just how much more Christ does. Good-bye.

7/05/2006 8:21 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

Please see blog post entitled Dear Anonymous

7/05/2006 9:07 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Wow, I almost hate to follow that up, however back to your origional question.....
I think we've begun a downhill slide (yes we, type 2 diabeeties didn't show up from my love of healthy living). People in the USA are fatter and falling apart faster and faster, the quality of life is declining, evan as the age we reach in years extend (note: I believe in quality not quanity, living to 100 but unable to care for myself is not my idea of living).

7/06/2006 2:42 AM  

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