Saturday, November 18, 2006


Last night Nikolai and I were laying in bed at around 11:30 or 12:00 and he was doing his typical squirming around and rolling around under the covers thing. As long as he keeps the adrenal glands flowing then that pesky sleepiness won't take over his body.
I told him quietly that he needed to stop squirming and rolling over and lay still quietly and go to sleep. He squirmed a few more times for good measure and then said to me:
"I'm not squirming anymore, Mama, see? I'll just squirm like this"
(moves his shoulder up and down)
"See? That squirming is good, huh, Mama. I can move my arm squirm, can't I?"
(foot starts to jiggle)
"And my foot can squirm like this, huh? When my foot squirms like this it means that I can squirm, right Mama?"
(dialog continues for another 5 or 6 minutes until I finally object)
"Right now it's time for us to stop squirming and stop talking and go to sleep, OK?"
(silence and still for about 30 seconds and then)
"It's a good idea to squirm on Tuesday, isn't it. Tuesday is a good day to squirm. But Friday is definitely not a good day to squirm. Friday we're not supposed to squirm."

I guess this means he has a pretty clear idea of what day it is and what day it isn't. It still doesn't explain why were having the conversation in the first place.


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