Monday, March 12, 2007

Too many cute things to count

Nikolai has been full of them lately. I just can't even begin to put all the cute things here that he says, but maybe I'll mention a few.

The other day he was standing at the toilet, and it was first thing in the morning. It was a quiet bathroom trip (he must have "company" while he goes...we're gonna have to work on this) while he tinkled away, and he piped up "I'm turning everything my favorite color, mama".

Tonight I was angrily punching buttons on my alarm system which I have yet to make actually work. I would type in the code and push "stay" and it would just beep at me incessantly. So, I typed in the code again and it mercifully stopped beeping but the "armed" light went off. I'm not-really-cursing at the stupid thing when says, "here mama, I'll blow it for you" and points his pinwheel at it while making blowing noises.

Note about the pinwheel: He recently discovered amongst my things a really nice quality wood and thick plastic pinwheel my mother gave to me a year or so ago. He's been dancing around with it and requesting special trips down slow streets where he can hold it out the window so it can spin frantically while he squeals with glee.


Blogger Unknown said...

I needed the "favorite color" part today. I nearly fell out of my seat

3/13/2007 10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so nice to hear he is happy and sounds like he is adjusting well to his new home!

3/14/2007 9:58 AM  

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