Sunday, December 04, 2005

We went to see a house today

We've actually seen this particular house before. It's been on the market since sometime last spring or summer. My first experience there didn't leave much of an impression on me, and so the thought ogoing back wasn't met with any particular emotion.

Last night I had this dream that we were going to see the house, and I was very pleasantly surprised. In my dream the house was much closer than I was remembering (in fact it was a different house entirely), and the rooms were much larger and conveniently placed. There were other families and people wandering around looking at the house, and obviously very interested in it. I expressed to my mother that we should put an offer in on the house right away, as I felt it was going to get snatched up right away. I woke up thinking "oh great. now I've had this dream that the place is wonderful, and I'm gonna go up there and it's gonna be the same old house." I was completely prepared for disappointment. I was completely unprepared for what happened.

We drove up zayante to get to the house this time, instead of descending from summit. It didn't take nearly as long to get there as I had remembered. This time when we arrived at the house I noticed there was a beautiful wooden fence greeting us (wasn't this previously wire?), and as we entered the house I knew I was home. The rooms were actually very well laid out, and the number of them conducive to private space for all. This time I lingered and discovered some really wonderful stuff about the house. There is an almost finished attic that, with some work, could become a loft as an extension to one or two of the downstairs bedrooms. The kitchen has a door which has a top and bottom half that open separately...just the thing to keep the 2 year old from going out while letting the fresh air come in.

Melissa and Nikolai were there with us, and chose their rooms. Melissa chose none other than the master bedroom. Nikolai ran and squealed happily into a smaller upstairs bedroom saying "This is my room, mama." I staked my claim in The Green Room. It is small and has no closet, but it is perfect as a little nook of my own.
The best part about it is that in spite of its flaws, it's a lovely home and is only $479,000. Those of you out of state might have a heart attack at that, but those of you in this area know that trailers don't even go for that little in this area.

Now if I can only get the financing. Maybe 2 years and thousands of dollars invested in my credit will finally pay off...


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