Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ode to Wheezy

Last night I came up with another plan. This time I brought Kitten into the bedroom with us, and shut Tigger up in The Green Room. I figured at best at least the mouse/mice wouldn't be able to wander around freely in the rooms while we slept, frolicking on the bed and gnawing on our furniture.
The mice are indeed very clever. The mouse caught by Kitten has not shown its whiskers in my room (that I've seen) since its brush with PsychoKittyDeath a few days ago, but I did notice that the number of brownpoopiepellets found in The Green Room has increased dramatically since then. The mouse must migrate from room to room in the walls.
So, it seemed a great choice to have a cat in each room. I wasn't really thinking straight by putting Tigger in The Green Room instead of Kitten, since she seemed to be a more avid hunter (and generally less spherical). But I was also sort of weighing which cat was more likely to wake me (or worse, Nikolai) up meowing and scratching in the middle of the night, and figured that having PsychoticallyAffectionateButMostlySelfSufficient Kitten with me was probably a safer call.
Sometime in the middle of the night there arose a bit of a clatter from The Green Room. Matt was still awake, I think, and I woke up and asked him groggily "Was that Tigger?", to which he replied "Yup."
This morning I rushed to The Green Room, hoping and praying to find an inanimate mouse on the floor. Indeed, it would be a dream come true. For how long have I waited for some -- any -- measure of success in this war I'm waging against the vile (but darn cute) vermin in my household? When I opened the door I saw, tucked under the edge of my glider, a tiny little mouse no bigger than a log of cat poop (hmmm...coincidence? I think not.) He was laying belly up with his little furniture-damaging fangs hanging out. Tigger rocks. I wonder if he just sat on him? It would have been an easy way for him to kill the mouse, but given that all the mouse fur covering its little body was matted from having been wet, I think it was obvious that Tigger slobbered all over him.
Poor Wheezy. So difficult for him to breathe with his allergies, and yet here he is faithfully defending our home against the threat of adorable small fuzzy animals.
Poor little mouse. He must have thought he was being eaten by Darth Vader.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHA- Go Tigger! One down, so many more to go

5/10/2006 2:26 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

yeah. man, I suppose we'll find out just how many, too. ugh. I feel like we'll be cohabitating with mice for a while. I hope I"m wrong

5/10/2006 4:31 PM  
Blogger cherry blossom said...

becca - i finally got around to ripping your april horoscope out of the airplane magazine, but now it's may, so maybe all it's good for is explaining what happened last month. gemini: Those around you are grateful for a break from your excessive energy [hahahaha ed.]. Something near and dear to your heart causes you to make sacrifces that ultimately pull you in so many directions even you have difficulty handling them.

5/12/2006 10:30 AM  
Blogger rebecca said...

well, that certainly is an interesting horoscope. if there was one complaint I had the last month it is that I can't keep track of all the crap going on in my life.

5/12/2006 11:26 AM  

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