Wednesday, July 05, 2006

new month, new post

I'm totally failing in my effort to keep this thing updated. I have so much to write about, and so little time in which to write. For right now I have something far more important to write about that can't be broadcast to the world, and so my meaningful blog posts will just have to wait until I have more time to write about them.

ToDo: Blog about 4th of July
ToDo: Blog about the return of Bird

ToDay: Blog about a cute quote from Nikolai
The other day I was talking with Carl in his back yard whilst Nikolai romped and chattered to himself. Carl commented offhandedly to Nikolai that his mom was a smart person (cookie?). He went on to say that I had a brain in my head. This caught Nikolai's attention, which we all know is not an easy feat, and he stared at me for a few seconds. Noticing his obvious confusion prompted me to point at my forehead and say "Right in here. I have a brain right in here!", to which Nikolai replied "We'll help you get it out, Mama!"


Blogger Chris said...

lol, I told Evan that we have a skeleton inside when he was little, and he asked if it was scaring me.

7/06/2006 2:44 AM  

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