Tuesday, April 10, 2007

life sucks

I literally cannot successfully juggle all of the things in my life and am dropping major balls like "get child in daycare so I can focus on work". Updating and upkeeping a blog just has not been my priority.

I do have lots of things I want to blog about like:
trip back to new orleans and final settling down
living on my own
disneyland and all the wonderfulness we encountered in L.A.
Anthony's birthday and fun with balloons
yet another fun-filled easter and our traditional visit from One Eye'd Pete (AKA: One Eye'd Pete Revealed - A shocking expose)

and more.

I just don't have the time. I hope I do soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I am sure things will get better. Moving is never easy and with kids and 1/2 accross the country just makes it that much harder. Considering all the major changes going on, you are handling it very well. Miss you tons and I am there in spirit at least!

4/11/2007 11:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

*HUGS*. The world will slow down long enough to allow you to breath. Trust me. When we were shipping, I had this LONG To-Do list that looked awful that kept getting added to but never removed from. As predicted, I slowed down again, and funny..my list shrunk to nothingness... So seriously..it will happen. *HUGS* again.

I was so thrilled to even have a short edition of Rebecca's life! So keep going girl!

4/11/2007 11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are an awsome person and you are doing great!!! soon everything will fall into all the right places!
I wish I was there to help I miss you guys

4/11/2007 12:34 PM  
Blogger rebecca said...

Wow, guys. Thanks for all the support :) It's wonderful to feel loved.

4/11/2007 1:40 PM  

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